Brand & Creative Challenges
CloudPay, a leading fintech business specializing in global payrolls, recently in 2021 embarked on a comprehensive rebranding effort. 
As part of this initiative, it became essential for the brand to maintain a consistent and cohesive visual identity across all external videos. 
These videos would be showcased on CloudPays website, as well as be shared on various social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and LinkedIn and they would also be shared with service partners and potential prospects.
Establishing a distinct and uniform look for all the videos to reinforce the brand's image and facilitate instant recognition and association with CloudPay.
Global Payroll, Treasury Service, Fin-Tech
Mid to large-sized global organizations with over 10k employees
Gender: ALL
Age: ALL
Interests: Finance, Payroll, Fintech, Global Treasury 
During the process of building CloudPay's video content library, a critical observation was made regarding the absence of introductory and concluding sequences in the existing video content. 
These sequences play a vital role in welcoming viewers to the brand and establishing consistent branding across all video content, thereby enhancing brand awareness. 
Build Brand Awareness, Brand Recognition
Logo Animation, Video Content Design, Video Content Strategy 
A thorough analysis of CloudPay's brand guidelines was conducted, encompassing their logo, color palette, typography, and overall visual style. 
My objective was to create an on-brand intro sequence that could be seamlessly incorporated throughout CloudPay's video content library.
Additionally, I aimed to ensure that the animation remained impactful and retained its core message, even if the intro duration was shortened from 7 seconds to 2 seconds based on specific video requirements.
StoryBoard & Anamatic
Final Logo into and outro Animation
My focus throughout the project was to create a visually captivating sequence that would leave a lasting impact on the viewer, by carefully integrating CloudPay's branding elements into the animation.
The animated logo animation was strategically designed to convey the essence of CloudPay's global payroll services. Each dot within the animation represented a specific payroll pain point, symbolizing the challenges faced by businesses. As the animation progressed, all the dots were systematically removed, signifying the unified solution offered by CloudPay.
 This visual representation effectively communicated the brand's ability to alleviate payroll challenges and provide comprehensive solutions.
By incorporating the animated logo animation at the beginning of each video, we ensured that all content remained on brand and immediately captured the viewer's attention. 
This deliberate approach not only enhanced brand recognition but also created a sense of brand awareness among viewers.

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